How does the Manual Reconciliation Work?

Sequence > Left Navigation Bar > Banking > Accounts > Select Account

If the automatic transaction does not detect a match, you can reconcile it with your bank statement manually.
To do so, please follow the steps below:

  1. Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Transactions grid.
  2. Click the transaction for which you want to perform manual reconciliation. Doing so opens the Bank Reconciliation panel on the right.
  3. From the tabs displayed at the top, click Manual Transaction.
  4. Select the date from the Date calendar.
  5. Choose whether you want to use existing attachment or upload new one from the radio buttons under the Attach an ID document heading.
  6. Select the category from the Category dropdown.
  7. Use the Label field to edit the label for reconciliation.
  8. Select the supplier from the Customer/Supplier from the respective dropdown.
  9. Use the Name-account number and Amount fields under the Debit and Credit headings to record the account number and amount.
  10. To add more records in Debit, click the + Add a debit button.
  11. To add more records in Credit, click the +Add a credit button.
  12. Once the required information is filled, click the Validate button.