My space


How can I submit an expense ?

It is important to remember that once the expense receipts are imported and associated with a report, it is the report that is sent, not the receipts. Go to the reports section, select the report, and press send.


As long as the report has not been sent, modifications can be made. Once it has been sent, the HR administrator will need to reject it in order for any changes to be made.



How can I ensure my clients receive their invoices ?

Once created, make sure the client has a valid email address and is connected to their account (The cloud icon in the client's profile should be blue, not red). Once the first invoice is generated and sent, your client will receive an email from Sequence informing them that they have received an invoice from you.

If the client is not connected, you can simply send the invoice via email; a modal window with the preview will appear once you click the button to generate the invoice during its creation.

You will have access to a client portal where you can view not only invoices but also quotes and even a history of modifications made to the various documents.


Can I choose between different invoice templates when creating an invoice ? 

When creating or editing an invoice, by clicking on Settings > Language and Format > Invoice Format, you can choose from the existing invoice templates.


You can select a template as your favorite, which will appear by default, or create a customized one. To create a new invoice template, you can do so from: My Profile at the bottom of the menu > My Company > Preferences > Invoice Templates.




What happens when a supplier sends me invoices ?

If the supplier has an account on Sequence, they can send the invoices directly to your user account. You will receive them in Purchases > Invoices as well as by email.

If the supplier does not have a Sequence account, you simply need to import the invoice using the "Import Invoice" button in Purchases > Invoices. Once imported, select the invoice and click on "Process." The OCR scan will read between 70% and 80% of the information. The more documents you import, the more efficient the tool will become, and over time, it will automatically recognize the data.


Human Resources


How do I create employees ?

You first need to set up the entire salary policy (Human Resources > Salary Policy), then go to Company and create each team member, assigning the appropriate options to them.

You can also grant them access rights to the different sections of Sequence.


I created an employee, but their salary wasn't generated correctly.

To ensure salaries are generated correctly, it's necessary to complete all the required information when creating an employee.

The first step in automating salaries is to define the salary policy, where you will input all the information related to insurance and the corresponding deductions. For this, you'll need the information from your insurers or the document called ELM.

Once the salary policy is defined, you will select the corresponding information for each employee in their profile.

Sequence automatically calculates all cantonal and federal deductions according to the relevant rates in each canton.


Do I need to create the payroll every month ?

No, once the contract is created, all salaries will be generated automatically. You will just need to verify and complete them if necessary. Remaining leave will be accounted for as it is granted. The employee will have access to this information in their employee profile.


Can I manage a schedule for my employees in Sequence ? 

Yes, it's possible to use Tasks (My Space > Tasks) or even the Timesheet (My Space > Timesheet) as a schedule. Employees can log their hours in the timesheet. Additionally, this will be useful at the end of the month for quickly billing all services rendered.


The administrator can also access the employee's profile and log their work hours each day as a schedule.


Can I manage my employees' expenses ?

Yes, employees' expenses are managed by the employee within their own profile. They can scan all expense receipts and submit the report with the imported expenses. The administrator can validate these expenses and reimburse them from the admin profile in the Human Resources module.



How can I import a CSV file with my bank statement ?

Before importing the CSV file, you will need to verify the format. You need to know if the fields are separated by commas or semicolons, whether the amounts are in one column or two, and the date format type so that you can instruct Sequence on how to read the data.

Once this information is entered into Sequence, you can save it so that during the next import, these settings will be automatically filled in.


Why doesn't the corresponding Sequence invoice appear during automatic bank reconciliation for a transaction in a bank statement ?

You will need to check if the invoice was correctly imported and if the amount and date are accurate. It’s possible that the invoice is in the system but one of the data points does not match the transaction or the active filters in the list of possible matches.

If the invoice has not been created or imported, you can create the accounting entry with the attached file directly from the manual reconciliation.



Does Sequence have an app, or do I need to access it through a browser ?

Sequence is an online program that operates through a web connection, and access is via your browser—there is no need to install anything. If you wish, you can create a shortcut on the main screen of your device, whether it’s a computer, phone, or tablet, which will take you directly to Sequence with one click as if it were an app.


I don’t know how to set up VAT in my account or what it means

  • Agreed Consideration: VAT is due as soon as the company invoices for its services.
  • Received Consideration: VAT is only due upon receipt of payment, meaning once the client has paid the invoice.
  • Effective Accounting Method: This method allows you to declare services related to the reporting period while deducting the tax you previously paid to your suppliers during that period. You must complete this accounting every three months, along with the payment of the due tax.
  • Net Tax Debt Rate Method: The net tax debt rate method is an alternative to the effective VAT accounting method. It’s sometimes referred to as the flat-rate VAT method. It allows entrepreneurs to simplify their VAT calculations using a flat rate assigned by the Federal Tax Administration.

Where can I customize invoice templates ?

To customize and create invoice templates, you need to access the section by clicking on your profile located at the bottom of the side menu and selecting My Company. Profile at the bottom of the menu > My Company > Preferences > Invoice Templates.