What does the Home Module Include?


  1. Upon successful login, you land on the Home module.
  2. Here, an overview of the all key components of the application is displayed.

  3. Data is segregated into Sales, Purchases, Customers with pending invoices, Banking, Profit & Loss, Suppliers with pending invoices, Sales bar chart, Timesheet, Purchases bar chart, Salaries, and Employees absent today. Each of these is displayed via an individual card.

  4. Clicking a customer name from the Customers with pending invoices grid takes you to the Customer sheet for the selected customer.

  5. In the Profit & Loss bar chart, revenue, expenses, and net revenue are displayed via differently colored bars. Hovering over a bar reveals a tooltip displaying the respective component at the specific time interval.

  6. Moreover, one can choose between 6 months and last year as the time period for which the data is displayed in this bar chart using the dropdown below the Profit & Loss heading.

  7. Similarly, clicking a supplier name from the Supplier with pending invoices grid takes you to the supplier sheet for the selected supplier.

  8. Moving further, the Sales bar chart displays the month-wise breakdown of the sales with each month displayed by an individual bar. Hovering over a bar reveals a tooltip displaying the sales in that specific month.

  9. The purchases bar chart also works in a similar manner.

  10. The Timesheet grid tabulates employee timesheet data via Customer, Total amount, and Amount to be invoiced columns.
  11. Clicking a record from this grid takes you to the Invoices grid.

  12. The Salaries grid displays the salaries data where data is tabulated via Month, Volume, and Status columns.
  13. Clicking an entry from the Salaries grid takes you to the salaries detail of the selected month.