How to Add a Salary Item?

Sequence > Left Navigation Bar > Human Resources > Salaries > Salary Items

  1. Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Salary Items grid.
  2. Click the Add a salary item button. Doing so opens the Add a salary item popup.
  3. Here, select the salary item category from the Category dropdown.
  4. Enter the number in the Number field.
  5. Use the Description field to record a description.
  6. Select the position of the item in the payroll
  7. Choose the account type by selecting the Debit or Credit radio button.
  8. Select the account from the respective dropdown as per the selection made from the account type radio button.
  9. Choose the active fields for the salary item by marking the corresponding checkbox(s).
  10. For the corresponding fields, select the factor from the Factor dropdown.
  11. Select the number of the corresponding section on the wage certificate.
  12. Make the required selection from the CAF entitlement drop-down list ( Check family allowances paid according to the salary type file).
    • 0 = Aucun droit
    • 1= Periodic allowance (per child)
    • 2 = One-off payment (per child)
  13. Select the the corresponding wage base using the Month Statistic dropdown.
  14. Select the the corresponding wage base using the Year Statistic dropdown.
  15. Once the required selections are made, click the Confirmer button.