How to Add a Salary Item?
Sequence > Left Navigation Bar > Human Resources > Salaries > Salary Items
- Follow the above-mentioned workflow to land on the Salary Items grid.
- Click the Add a salary item button. Doing so opens the Add a salary item popup.
- Here, select the salary item category from the Category dropdown.
- Enter the number in the Number field.
- Use the Description field to record a description.
- Select the position of the item in the payroll
- Choose the account type by selecting the Debit or Credit radio button.
- Select the account from the respective dropdown as per the selection made from the account type radio button.
- Choose the active fields for the salary item by marking the corresponding checkbox(s).
- For the corresponding fields, select the factor from the Factor dropdown.
- Select the number of the corresponding section on the wage certificate.
- Make the required selection from the CAF entitlement drop-down list ( Check family allowances paid according to the salary type file).
- 0 = Aucun droit
- 1= Periodic allowance (per child)
- 2 = One-off payment (per child)
- Select the the corresponding wage base using the Month Statistic dropdown.
- Select the the corresponding wage base using the Year Statistic dropdown.
- Once the required selections are made, click the Confirmer button.